Q&A with Matt B Roberts

A short Q&A... who's up? #OutlanderSeason4

Q. Any new teaser any time soon? Rock scene? Can’t wait for S4! Best book ever. Congrats!!
A. I don't handle PR or Marketing, sorry

Q. What is your favorite episode of season 4 that you directed? Don’t say what’s happening there - only the number of the Ep. 😊
A. I don't have favorites -- but I will say that Caitriona and Sam are their usual brilliant selves throughout -- Richard & Sophie will blow folks away. And I'm verra excited for you to meet the new cast members - they are all amazing
Q. You say everything and you don’t say anything!! That’s the question!! Smart boy😜😜
A. I wanted to be a politician once... 😉😬

Q. How hard was it to match Scotland for North Carolina & did you scout NC first for comparison?
A. Yes, I went to North Carolina and drove across the state and all through the Blue Ridge Mountains. Scotland can play NC quite well (except for the weather) although this year we had a wee heatwave here in Glasgow

Q. How many episodes did you and Tony Graphia write together this season?
A. Two

Q. Do you get any time off between 4 and 5 ?
A. There's still much to do before we are finished ... filming aka production is only 1/4 of the making of a show: writing/prep/production/post

Q. When do you start to plan for season 5 in terms of storylines, scripts, and production? #NoRestForTheWeary
A. We are well on our way ... #OutlanderSeason5

Q. What are the easter eggs in Season 4?
A. We hide the eggs for a reason -- I'm not going to tell you where they are. What fun would that be?
Q. I've been curious as to what Easter eggs he means? A nod to the books? Or going into season 5?
A. Easter eggs are nods to the book readers ...

Q. What is the main difference between this season and the 3 before?
A. Well, if you remember at the end of S3 Claire and Jamie are in the American Colonies -- so it's a whole new world.

Q. What book are you reading currently? 🤓
A. I am RE-reading a small book titled The Fiery Cross -- you may have heard of it

Q. Will you be at any of the comic cons or Outlander conventions this summer
A. No...

Q. Do you already know when the shooting for #OutlanderSeason5 starts? 😌
A. Yes

Q. When I travel, I like to see amazing new landscapes. I know you don't get much, if any, vacation time, but what are your favorite places to visit
A. My bed... after a long day

Q. Are you a history buff or has being involved in @Outlander been a real initiation into it?
A. I love reading history in the buff 😉😜... Oh wait... yes, I've always been a history buff, so #Outlander was/is a dream job

Q. Using 3 words, how would you describe Season 4?
A. Drums of Autumn

Q. Do you enjoy a holiday now?
A. Not the Producers... we have to post the shows.

Q. Since #RogerAndBree's evolving story consumes more than 50% of Drums of Autumn, is it safe to assume they will occupy at least half of the narrative of season four? 🤞🏽🤞🏽
A. 🤞🏼

Cheers to all the #Outlander Fans... #OutlanderSeason4 . Photo courtesy of #MichaelCarstensen

Q. Cheers to us??? What ever for? You guys do all the hard work, the writes and rewrites, the sets, the shoots, the scenes over and over again - We LOVE YOU for everything you do! xx
A. Well, without fans these are just really well-made home movies.
Q. Without great acting, scripts, costumes, actors, and all the many talents that go into making the show the high quality that it is , there would be no fans.
A. sounds like we need each other #Outlander

Q. Is your wittiness skill learned or inherited? (I love it!)
A. I spent a lot of time in detention 😉

Q. In your opinion, who has the best character development in season four?
A. Rollo has quite an arc

Q. If you were an actor, which character on Outlander would you want to be and why?
A. That's easy -- Clarence. No one plays an ass like me

Q. Do you take down all the sets after you're done filming a season?
A. No...

Q. What was your favorite part of filming season 4 that you can't wait for the fans to see?
Q. "The Meeting"

that's all for now -- I'll do another Q&A later today for the US folks THX


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