Caitriona Balfe celebrating Claire 100 years with a Q&A

Wooooaahhhhh!!!! Happy 100th Birthday Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser ....

Thank you for changing my life and giving joy to so many people .... Thank you for entering the brain of the incredible @Writer_DG to whom we all are so indebted 😘😘😘

And to celebrate ... 100 questions throughout the day. How about 25 right now? Xxxx #Happy100Claire

Q. What was the most challenging scene to shoot?
A. The ones when time is a ticking and everyone is running around stressed to get it done before the light goes!!!!

Q. What’s your favorite part of Claire??
A. Her passion and compassion ... makes for a pretty awesome woman

Q. Is there a song that reminds you of Claire?
A. Bandages - Hot Hot Heat

Q. Favorite thing about Claire in season 4
A. Meeting Adawehi

Q. If you could meet Claire what would you say to her?
A. Thank you

Q. If you could take a Claire article of clothing from each season , what would u choose?
A. This season red wrap house jacket

Q. What was the scene that left you with the biggest message/lesson
A. Faith💔

Q. Most unusual prop you have used in filming?
A. A coconut

Q. What are you most proud of?
A. How 4 years on, cast and crew are still a big happy family

Q. Over all of the seasons, the coolest/ most fun skill to learn?
A. How to horseride properly

Q. How can you describe season 4 in only ONE word?
A. America

Q. What would you do if you could spend the day with your character?
A. Go for a hack in the mountains, sample Claire’s finest herbs and talk, talk, talk (hehehe!!)

Q. Who flubbed more lines filming S4, u or @SamHeughan ?? 😜
A. Always @SamHeughan ....
A SH. Just because it’s her 100yr birthday, doesn’t mean she gets to tell 100 LIES!!!!!!!!?? 🤪
A. Few days late huh??????

Q. What will you be doing when you are 100?
A. Floating in space with all the other atoms

Q. Which car would Claire Drive in the 21st century
A. Did you not watch season 3 ... she drives like she does everything else ... Like a badass

Q. Who was your favorite patient to doctor as Claire? 👩‍⚕️
A. Why Jammf of course

Q. You’ve done a few Outlander photo shoots by now, which one is your favorite?
A. The very first one in season one because it was where it all started.

Q. Do you have any rituals before filming ?
A. Learn my lines!!!!

That’s 25!!! Catch you guys later 😘😘😘😘 #Happy100Claire

Okay ... next 25!!!! #Happy100Claire

Q. Do you sew? Or are you just that good that you looked just like my mother, an expert seamstress, in the batsuit scene? 😀🏳️‍🌈
A. My mom taught me when I was a kid... so I (sorta) know my way around a machine !!!

Q. What quote from Claire is your favorite?
A. I am not the meek and obedient type

Q. I was just wondering, what do you do when people hate on you and give you negativity?
A. Keep on walking by with my head held high ..!!!

Q. how was shooting with a snake? can you describe season 4 with three emojis?
A. Loved Scar ... great costar ! 😊☹️😫🤬😊

Q. A scene from the books you absolutely wanted to make it into the show?
A. Brianna getting hurt when Claire was at work ....

Q. hat do you think Jamie would give Claire for her 100th Bday?
A. A walking aid !!!

Q. Favorite behind the scenes/on set moment
A. When @JohnBell finally relaxed in our company .... right JB !!??!!
A. JB. I remember that day! Very windy

Q. Which caracter/actor who has already left Outlander do you miss the most?
A. Well it has to be @TobiasMenzies ... probably the Frank version though rather than the BJ one !
A Graham M. Ouch 😢
A CB. You should have been nicer Dougal ... you should have been nicer !!!!!
A GM. I think those were in fact your last whispered words to me as you drove a knife through my broken heart. Along with “when’s lunch?”

Q. How did you feel making the Wentworth prison? And how did Claire feel when she saw Jamie so?
A. It was incredibly intense. Sam and Tobias created an intense atmosphere that made those scenes really tough but really gratifying.

Q. You as someone who comes from a big family, do you think claire would've liked to have siblings?
A. Hmmmmm ... I think she likes being the one getting attention so maybe not!!! Ha.

Q. If you could get Claire any present for her bday? What would you get her?
A. Central heating and a hot shower !

Q. Most embarrasing thing you can reveal about @SamHeughan
A. He can’t dance ....

Q. What flavour would Claire's birthday cake be?
A. Lemon drizzle - Sweet and Sharp, at the same time !!!

Q. 3 words to describe Claire & Jamie's relationship in season 4?
A. Solid

Q. Who is more stubborn....Claire or Jamie?
A. Pretty evenly balanced I would say....

I’ll leave you all with this treat until the next 25 !!!! @SamHeughan

Alright who’s around for another 25 questions????? Oh hi old guy @TobiasMenzies

Q. If you could have the chance to meet claire, what do you think it’d be her first impression of you?
A. I shudder to think !

Q. What are you hoping to squeeze in before it's back to work on S5?
A. A little thing called .... Life!

Q. Are you finished filming Ford vs Ferrari yet? When will it be in the theatres?
A. Not yet. I finish next week I think ... in theatres next summer ... and I have a feeling it’s going to be 💥💥💥

Q. Any other projects coming up?
A. Maybe ..... a few things I might be able to talk to you about soon..!

Q. On a scale of 1-10 how much do you love working with @SamHeughan?
A. Okay we get it ..!!!! He’s AMAZING !!! Jeez !!!!! #Happy100Claire (can a girl get ONE freaking day 😜🤪🤪)

Q. Best thing of working with @SkeltonSophie?
A. She is freaking AWESOME !!!!

Q. Favorite home-cooked meal when visiting your family
A. Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, peas and gravy. And my mums brown bread!

Q. You said Claire's best quality is compassion and her worst defect (if any)?
A. Well she might be a bit hotheaded!!!

Q. What’s do you love the most about doing conventions ?
A. Meeting all of you guys!!!

Q. Describe claire and rollo’s relationship in a few words
A. Nirvana !!!

Q. how is working with @LlaurenLyle ????
A. Love her!!!! She’s the best

Q. Sassenach please don't ignore me ;-; Who is the best husband? Sam or Tobias?
A. I’m not married to either of them and as far as I know neither of them have ever been married so nobody knows????
Q. Sam used to be your hubby
A. Sam is an actor. He and I were never husband and wife. He plays a character Jamie who WAS and IS married to Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser !!! 😜

I fell asleep..sorry!!!!!!.. go on ....25 more. Starting.... NOW !! #Happy100Claire

Q. In the book, Jamie and Ian show Claire how to knit.. Do you knit or crochet?
A. Knit. Sort of. Rather badly!!!

Q. Was Coco the coconut a good scene partner or a total diva?
A. Total DIVA !!!!

Q. The one prop that might mysteriously, “by mistake” end up in your position from #Outlander set
A. There are some very nice earthen ware plates and bowls in Fraser’s ridge ... hmmmmm

Q. Will you get a vacation after finishing your movie?? Hopefully!
A. I plan on it !!!

Q. Favorite article of clothing to wear when you’re just bumming about not working?
A. I’m a jeans and worn T-shirt kind of girl ...

Q. Do u have a workout regime like @SamHeughan 🏋️‍♀️🧘🏼‍♀️
A. I. Just. Can’t. Get. Into. The. Gymingthing.

Q. What’s your favorite thing to do on a day off?
A. Sleeeeeeeeep and then read !!!

Q. Was this filmed outside bc we know how cold Scotland can get . ❄️ 😬
A. Yes it was. But it was our last day of filming so it was in Summer (still a Scottish summer !!) so not too cold.

Q. One word to describe life of C & J at Fraser's Ridge
A. Happy!

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