Writers Q&A EP 405 Savages

Hi everyone! We've got a bit of time this morning, so we're going to start answering some of your questions from Sunday's episode. Stay tuned! #ATOW #Outlander⁠

Q. Was Murtagh wearing his bit of tartan from Ardsmuir pinned to his chest for the Regulators meeting?
A. Thank you! It was! Great addition by @OutlanderCostum

Q. Why did you decide to revive Murtagh AND make him a Regulator?
A. The decision was made back in season two because, well – everyone needs a Murtagh. It was challenging to integrate the character into the storylines, but we think we have something intriguing for you. You’ll just have to watch to find out😁

Q. Does the dog make it to the end of the season ? it’s stressing me out thinking he’s going to die.
A. Don't stress. Rollo is fine 😄🐶

Q. The native Americans you casted did they agree with your writing and presenting them? Had they any influence while filming? Imho they are portrayed fabulously also thanks to @OutlanderCostum great designs but the natives may have thought differently?
A. We employed a consultant throughout the season who was invaluable at making sure we portrayed the Cherokee culture and language as accurately as possible. @TheMattBRoberts even traveled to NC and met with the Principal Chief of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

Q. Curious if @JohnBell and Duncan had met before they started filming together? Their chemistry was instantaneous.
A. Yes. We have what we call read-thrus where the cast, writers, producers, and director “listen” to the scripts read aloud. It’s also a great day for everyone to meet and greet.

Q. Loved this scene so much! Was this an actual creek?
A. We loved it too. It was an actual creek. Our Greens Dept spruced it up a bit and the Art Dept added the village in the background. We dammed the water and released it on action so it was flowing during the scene.

Q. Was there anything that you had to cut out that you wish it could have been in the finished episode?
A. We wish we could keep in everything we film, but alas we cannot. Our amazing Script Sup estimates the runtime of a script before we film, giving us an idea if we are long/short. You can’t really know until it’s filmed and edited together, and we have to stay under an hour.

Q. Murtagh knows that Claire is from the future and therefore knows that she knows the outcome of the regulators resistance to the Governor. Will the Murtagh/Jamie conflict over this be balanced with knowledge of the future?
A. Claire may be from the future, but she unfortunately doesn’t know everything. The Regulator movement isn’t taught much outside of North Carolina, and Claire doesn’t know the outcome of it any more than Murtagh does.

Q. An episode of babies AND animals? Love it! I appreciate that production uses a real human and not a doll. Do the writers influence those decisions? Or once page is written, are all logistical decisions out of your hands?
A. Outlander is a collaboration of many talented people. After a script is written, it goes to Prod where it’s given to the Heads of Depts. Each dept breaks down the script – gives suggestions, ideas, etc. Then we have meetings. Ultimately the producers have the final say.

Q. What was the most challenging thing in this episode?
A. Burning down the house – those of you that enjoy Talking Heads will be singing to yourselves right about now...

Q. Why was Jamie’s hat in the pig sty and why was it significant? Love the show and your writing!
A. Thank you! It's a nod to the white sow.

Q. WHY does Murtagh have a Luckenbooth brooch pinning his scrap of tartan from Ardsmuir? Is it to show his love of Scotland? Or is it in honor of a loved one? OR is it that someone who loves HIM gave it to him?
A. That's a question for @OutlanderCostum :)

Q. Where did Claire get all those beautiful vegetables for the livestock?
A. She grew them in her garden 😄

Q. My question is why don't we hear Claire's thoughts anymore? I loved when we heard Caitriona voicing Claire's thoughts of certain scenes
A. We use it sparingly now. We think @caitrionambalfe and @SamHeughan convey so much in their acting that it’s not needed as much.

Q. Am I right in assuming that Jamie wants to have a new ring made for Claire out of his mother's candlestick? Also curious how Brianna knew about the obituary. Did she find it among Frank's papers?
A. Curiosity not only kills the cat -- but the surprises we have in store. You’ll just have to wait and see!

Q. Are the Muellers in a different settlement from Fraser’s Ridge?
A. Yes, they are from the nearby settlement of Mueller's Creek.

Q. My uncle will have my guts for garters." phrase: does it provoke recognition in Murtagh?(something seems to; cue the music!) and is that why he overcharges Ian, to bring forth Jamie?
A. Murtagh doesn’t know that Young Ian exists, and therefore doesn’t know that Jamie is the uncle he refers to. He overcharges Ian because it’s quittin’ time, and he wants to go home 😁
Q. Ian was born before Jamie went to ardsmuir, so of course Murtagh knows he exists.
A. Sorry, meant "doesn't know he exists in America." Murtagh wouldn't know what Young Ian looks like 🙂

Q. Why would a German settler and a bunch of Indians listen to a woman in the mid-1700's? I thought women had no status in those times.
A. Women may not have had as many legal rights, but their opinions were still valued by the men in their lives.

Q. Will filming ever actually take place in NC or is the plan to keep it all in Scotland? 🤔
A. Scotland is our home 😀

Q. I'd like to know how were the auditions to cast one of the most important caracters from Frasers Ridge, the boss White Sow?
A. Grueling. Pigs are notorious divas 😉

Gotta get back to work, but thank you all for your questions. Until next time! #Outlander⁠ #ATOW


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