Q&A with Caitriona Balfe on Twitter

Q&A with Caitriona Balfe on Twitter

Well you never know ... it's a long drive to SD. One might need to find something to do to entertain herself ... could A some Q's 🙀🙀

Q. @SamHeughan doesn't reply but can I ask you if you're ever coming to Canada? It's not cold here all of the time 😃??
A. I love Canada 🇨🇦.. Been there many times.

Q. What snacks do you prefer on a long car ride?
A. Kind bars and H20

Q. What's your dream Broadway role?
A. Anything Pinter !!

Q. Do you know where people who don't attend SDCC will be able to follow the panel and/or watch it?
A. No idea but I am sure they will stream it via Facebook or something. If not I'll film it illegally. #Ssshhhh

Q. Who is going to have the better new hair style? You or at @SamHeughan ??? #fringefortheWIN
A. The fact you have to even ask #nocontest

Q. What outfit are you going to wear at SDCC ?
A. Hopefully clothes ..! #couldgetawkwardotherwise

Q. How's the bangs life treating you??
A. Feels good to have them back !

Q. What State would you most like yo vist that you haven't yet?
A. Montana ..? I've seen most of US but not there yet.

Q. How excited are you for us to finally see season 3 ??
A. Can't even begin to say ... I've seen 3. I think you'll be very happy !!

Q. By train or by car? Train not so long. Car a couple hours.
A. Vroom vroom ... #shouldhavebeenatrain #sorryearth

Q. Which takes more time in S3: hair & make up or costumes?
A. Hair and make up !

Q. Cait any plans on coming to Australia 🇦🇺
A. Maybe .... 🤐

Q. Any chance of a tennis rematch with @SamHeughan since we all know he cheated? 😂
A. Not a chance. I don't think I could handle the shame again.

Q. Are you coming home to Ireland soon?
A. Was just there ... apparently it forgot summer arrived !

Q. Do you have a favorite line from Claire ? x
A. I'm not the meek and obedient type #icanrelate

Q. Any tips how to not fall asleep? It's 1030pm and I am stuck at work. 😒
A. Coffee? Vitamin C ?? It's after 10 maybe you shouldn't be at work ..? Do we need to talk about your workaholic tendencies ???

Q. This is a very important question — what's your favourite cheese and wine combo?
A. Aged Goat and a good Barolo #butreallyanything

Q. Do you prefer 40s Claire or 60s Claire?
A. Ooooh tough choice. But 60's Claire might just win ...

Q. Who is the most fun to work with on set??
A. Laugh at...? @SamHeughan Laugh with ...? @SamHeughan

Q. How did Frank and Claire afford such a nice house in Boston. I imagined it to be more modest 😂 - hey I'm loving it though! 😘
A. 1.He's a very wealthy professor ..? 2.Its in a bad part of town..? 3. @jongarysteele just can't help making things that look stunning????

Q. What do you love the most about this new Outlander season? X
A. All the twists and turns !!!

Q. Can you describe @JohnBell with only one word?
A. Delicious 😋

Q. Do you like working with Sam and Tobias? How are they?
A. It's awful, it's terrible... I don't know what I did to deserve it ... whyyyyy??? 😩 Whyyyyy?? 😩

Q. Is it more comfortable "being pregnant" in the 18th century or in the 20th?😉😂🤰🏻
A. Maternity wear isn't quite all that in either to be honest !!

Q. Favourite thing about France? 🇫🇷
A. Okay ready ....the museums, the food, the wine, the countryside, the weather, the sea, the people, the language, my friends, the music ...

Q. Can you tell us which scene you're most excited for us to see? Or which one was your favorite to film?
A. Soups ready !!!

Q. Do you have anything from the last seasons of Outlander that you got from the set?
A. I would never steal anything from set. Ahem.

Q. Who do you like the most: the Claire of 20th century or the Claire of 18th century? x
A. She's the same lady !!!!

Q. I just love Doc Claire! Did you have any medical consultants on that part?
A. No. They just let me go for it. Operated on a few extras. Apparently they are all fine ... now ... #jusssstkidding #hernameisClairetoo

Q. How was working @SkeltonSophie ? Bonding mom/daughter style?
A. She's the BEST !! Good Northern Lass ... smart as a whip and cute as a button @SkeltonSophie

Q. Favorite pizza??
A. Sour dough margarita with burrata lots of basil and maybe some extra garlic. #yum

Q. What would be your dream festival line up?
A. Patti Smith, Radiohead, Savages, LCD sound system, Warpaint, Young Fathers, Milk and then get them to bring all their friends.

Q. What inspires you the most in your daily life?
A. My friends x

Q. Is @MrStevenCree really as silly as he seems? #funnyguy
A. Believe it or not, I think he censors himself on twitter .. right @MrStevenCree ???

Q. What is your favorite irish song 🍀🎶
A. Hmmmm Sinead O Connor singing She moved through the fair

Q. Can you recommend me a book? your favorite one.
A. Anything by Zadie Smith or Joan Didion

Q. What's your favorite Frida Kahlo painting? Greetings from Mexico 🇲🇽😘
A. Ooooh it changes all the time. Today ..? Self portrait with Monkey

Q. You need to learn the most important word in portuguese: CAIPIRINHA 😉🍸🍹🇧🇷
A. Oh I think I've met a Caipirinha or two in my time x

Q. Since you have seen 3 eps what do you think of Sam's story since you weren't there filming with him at the time?
A. It is and he is heartbreakingly AWESOME @SamHeughan

Q. from Steven Cree
Hi @caitrionambalfe , since Ed Sheeran appeared in GOT, do you think it's possible Andy Murray could appear in Outlander?Ian's cousin maybe?
A. @andy_murray please see below ...!

Thanks for all questions. Now for a few quiet relaxing days ... #comicon2017


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