Q&A med Matt B Roberts

Q&A med Matt B Roberts

Q&A... go
Q. How many episodes are you writing for season 4?
A. at least two...

Q. What is your favourite scene from all the eps we have seen so far?
A. I don't play favorites

Q. Always wondered how @TallShipProds got you to read Outlander?
A. Um, I gave @TallShipProds the books

Q. When will you be back in Scotland scouting S5 locations?😜
A. What do you mean back? Here now. And we don't have a season 5 as far as I know

Q. Did you have to slow down filming due to heatwave?
A. Heatwave? This is Outlander 🤔

Q. Who come to set more prepared @SamHeughan or @caitrionambalfe 🤔🤔
A. they both do... they are pros

Q. Will there be any surprises in final OLS3?🤓
A. I hope so

Q. How are you feeling about S3 reception by fans and does that influence you at all with respect to S4? What're the top 5 things you've learned on this project?
A. Feeling good, ratings have never been higher, audience responses mostly positive. My job is to be influenced by the books.

Q. Can you say anything about the S3 finale?
A. It'll end the season 😬

Q. Do you ever had a write blockade?
A. When I get stuck I research... it usually opens up the doors

Q. I love your photos, do they help you in creation when you're writing an ep for example?
A. thank you. No... but photography is just another medium to tell a story

Q. Will the wait for S4 be as long as for S3? say no, I beg you 🙏🏼Py
A. I certainly hope not -- we are filming now and have two episodes finished

Q. I know that you like to hear reviews about each episode from us fans, but does it bother you to hear some of the negative comments? By the way, this season has been amazing!
A. Wait, what? I like to hear reviews?

Q. Will all of S4 be filming in Scotland?
A. No

Q. Can you say where else you will be filming S4?
A. geez, when you throw sad eyes at me like that -- we'll be filming in Europe

Q. Can you be more specific ..Europe is a big place 😂😂
A. Not yet, we are still scouting

Q. Best location found for s4? Have you been to Fraser's Ridge?
A. I've been to every location

Q. Do you prefer to write in the morning or night? are the outlines you work from detailed enough to not get yourself in a pickle contrasting a script someone's writing at the same time?
A. I write very early in the mornings and the outline is meant to keep you on track

Q. Has producing and writing for Outlander gotten harder as the seasons go by? What you expected? More Complicated? Simpler?
A. harder for production

Q. How many times do you usually end up watching an episode before it actually airs?
A. Roughly 10 times

Q. Purely out of professional curiosity or you still can make same changes at that stage
A. Editing

Q. Any plans to get behind another camera and direct?
A. yes

Thanks everyone -- until next time... Sorry I didn't to all the questions

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