Writers Q&A EP 308 First wife

Live from Ned Gowan's office! We're here to answer your questions about the last Episode!

Q. Any regrets changing Wee Ian's thrashing? Seems show is shying away bc of 21c judgment. Good lesson for Jamie missed.
A. We wanted to show Claire's influence on Jamie. And also we've seen a lot of flogging! ;)

Q. Do all the writers have input into scripts apart from the main script writer?
A. We break the stories together as a staff. It's a collaborative process.

Q. There’s a Portuguese flag on the ship that took Young Ian. Was it done on purpose? Or just a coincidence?
A. Nothing is a coincidence. 😉

Q. Does C find some satisfaction in jabbing the syringe needle in J’s arse?
A. We're sure that she did! 💉

Q. Was the food for Hogmany real? If so, did cast & crew get to enjoy it after filming? Super episode, each one better than last💗
A. Yes, all food on set is real. Most of it wouldn't be tasty after hours under hot lights!

Q. At the end of the episode @TheMattBRoberts discussed using a drone was that the 1st time a drone was used?
A. We've used a drone since Season 1. In Episode 114, The Search for example.

Q. Glad that J didn't call C a "bitch" as originally scripted. Why is J so angry when he made her promise to go?
A. People are sometimes irrational when angry and say things they don't mean.

Q. What was Laoghaire's original intention: to shoot Jamie or Claire?
A. She aims at Claire. 🔫

Q. Were there any cut scenes that you loved from this ep?
A. Yes, Claire talking to little Joanie, for one. For others, see the script annotations on Outlander Community.

Q. What's your favorite, most anticipated quote or scene coming up in the rest of the season?
A. Ah, so many! Everyone here has a different favorite. We look forward to seeing YOUR favorites. :)

Q. Loved (!) hearing the line "will ye risk the man I am ..." Will we get to hear C's answer to J's question?
A. An answer doesn't have to be in words. 💚

Q. Loved how we c more of Jenny's POV so we understand & like her better! What made u delve deeper into her character?
A. We adore Jenny -- and Laura Donnelly. Knew it would be interesting to see her reunion with the woman she thought of as a sister.

Q. Appreciate all your efforts but wondering how far ahead are the scripts written? Are they written 1st draft by a certain time
A. The scripts are written very far in advance because of the large amount of lead time needed for production. We are well into Season 4 at the moment!

Q. Ever get writer's block?
A. You know how there's no crying in baseball? There's no writer's block in television. No time for it! ⏱️

Q. Can I join the cast, travel back in time and be Ned Gowan’s paralegal? #30yearsofexperience #icanwearatricornhat
A. Ha Ha, Ned's been doing this awhile. He could probably use some help!!
We adore Bill Paterson.

Q. I just saw the ratings, and they were 2nd only to A. Malcolm! Way to go. 308 gave me all the feels! Do you ever get emotional watching filming or seeing final product?
A. If the writing is good, it makes us emotional from the first pitch all the way to watching it with friends on a Sunday night!

Q. Curious, why don't Jenny/Ian know about Willie? Why wouldn't Jamie confide in them with that secret? Jenny's comment about Jamie not having experience raising kids made me think of that.
A. Jamie must protect Willie from scandal -- if word got out that he was the bastard son of a former Jacobite prisoner, his future would be ruined.

Q. Which character(s) would you give a spinoff show to?
A. Geordie!

Q. Are you allowed to reveal the identity of the writer answering the questions tonight, or are you sworn to super-duper secrecy?
A. Ha ha, no big secret. It's TG here! 💚 [Toni Graphia]

Q. Do you watch your Episodes on TV when it airs? If yes, with whom?
A. Yes, I always do. With a group of friends who love the show -- and lots of wine and desserts. I'm always nervous, but it's fun to see their reactions!

Q. How do you go about disicating the books to get the essentials. So many things happen in each book.
A. Yes, the books are jam-packed! We all read them, researcher does chapter break-downs and we chart out the whole season arc at the beginning.

Q. Love all your work. Is season 4 all written?
A. We are hard at work on Season 4 and have a lot of it already written. It's going to be a good one!

Q. Do find yourselves secretely taking sides when you write a fight scene between Jamie and Claire?
A. If we tell you, it won't be a secret! 😉

Q. Are all of the parts in the final script (on the stars website) filmed? Missed Fergus this episode
A. That scene was filmed but cut for time in the final edit. But dinna fash! Ye'll see plenty of Fergus in the coming episodes.

Q. How long does it take to complete the script for an episode? Are there a lot of rewrites?
A. About a week or so for outline, then two-three weeks for first draft. Some episodes are rewritten more than others.

Q. Do you know which episodes you want to submit for award season yet? Because you have quite a few gems! I’m convinced it’s Outlander’s year.
A. Thank you and we hope that's true! Awards are always nice, but we're proud of this season and glad that the fans are enjoying it!


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