Writers Q&A - Ep 302 Surrender

We hope you enjoyed the episode! Toni Graphia will be answering them.

Hi everyone! It's Toni here. Thanks for your excellent questions. Let's dive into 302!

Q. Is it Frank or Claire's idea for separate beds? Powerful visual statement on their relationship.
A. It was Ricky & Lucy's idea! Just kidding. We think it was Frank's idea once he realized who Claire was thinking of during sex.

Q. How come you guys didn't include Jamie telling Jenny that Claire was with child when he lost her?
A. It was too devastating for him to even speak about.

Q. What was in Jamie's hand when he was arrested?
A. He had his #dunbonnet in his hands when he was arrested and he was holding his chains in the carriage.

Q. Since Corporal MacGregor (Scottish traitor) was such a d$ck, please tell me that he gets his later. We need revenge.
A. Dinna fash. He got justice. Read about how MacGregor met his end in script which is posted on our Outlander Community page.

Q. Do you know how emotional a scene will turn out as you're writing it? I was teary the whole episode!
A. We like to pitch things to one another until we make each other cry. That's how we know it's really good... or really bad. 😉

Q. What did Jamie say to Mary McNabb in the cave after he told her she was a bonny lass?
A. "It's just something I always do." He was thinking of Claire, but trying to spare Mary’s feelings.

Q. Is there a specific reason you had Fergus be the one to shoot the raven?
A. I like to think that Fergus remembers all too well the pain of Claire losing Faith & didn't want a bad omen for Jenny's baby.

Q. The bagpiper at the end brought me to tears. How did that come about?
A. It was inspired after I saw Clanadonia, a drum and pipe band that plays on Buchanan Street in Glasgow.

Q. Was Jamie not hiding with baby Ian in the closet as in the book a director's choice?
A. Writer's choice. It's hard to stuff a six-footed redhead into a wee armoire. 😉

Q. Was Claire reading about Irish independence a nod to @caitrionambalfe birthplace?
A. Good catch! I added the newspaper to the scene, but the article was found by Emily, our awesome researcher.

Q. Was the river at the end supposed to be the Charles?
A. Yes. And Boston is lovely but "People Make Glasgow." We love that city 💚 💚💚 which has been so gracious to us.

Q. How does Jamie fill his emptiness?
A. He doesn't fill his emptiness, as nothing can replace Claire. 💙

Q. Always wondered If DGs books litter the writer's room like reference guides
A. We have all @Writer_DG books of course and The Outlandish Companions.

Q. Does Jenny's "I'll never forgive you" also mean she can't forgive Jamie for making her betray him?😩
A. Absolutely. In that moment. But we know she'll come around. She loves her brother. ❤️

Q. Should we assume that Frank helped Claire get into Harvard Medical School as her reference esp during 40's?
A. We like to think Claire got in on her own merit. She has 200 years of experience!

Q. What's harder, writing the script or producing the episode on set?
A. Both are a joy. We have an incredible writers room and an amazing crew.

Q. Is Bree's bunny a connection to the rabbit Jamie sees at Culloden? If so... brb crying.
A. We loved Ron's rabbit in the premiere and chose a bunny here as an Easter egg -- pardon the pun. 🐰

Q. How did the analogy of both Fergus & Ian's missing limb pain & Jamie's ❤️pain from missing Claire come about?
A. Inspired by Duncan Innes in the book, but we liked it better with Ian.

Q. Did you also write the full text of this proclamation? Can we see it on outlandercommunity?
A. Our assistant/historian Dani wrote it based on a real proclamation found by our fantastic Art Department.

Q. Does Claire still wear both wedding rings in the future? I keep meaning to check, but I keep forgetting.
A. Yes, she wears both and never takes them off.

Q. I miss the story unfolding thru Bree & Roger's research, esp the #Dunbonnet legend. Will we see some of this in later episodes?
A. Stay tuned! I wrote two of those eps myself!

Q. Back to last season-I just stayed in Dalhousie Castle. why did Jamie want to name his child for it?
A. If you've seen it, you know how beautiful it is! 😄

Q. Is the bunny supposed to be Brianna?
A. No. Ron meant it to be a bit of beauty & life amid the horror. But look for a possible reappearance later this season... 😉

Q. What delighted you most about having this episode directed by #JenniferGetzinger? #anystories
A. She's my favorite director from Mad Men -- she directed "The Suitcase." One of TV's best episodes ever.

Q. Why the decision to have Fergus's hand lopped off by a Scottis Redcoat.
A. We found it to be an interesting historical detail that there were Scottish Redcoats.

Q. Was Jamie thinking of Bree while holding Ian?
A. Yes, we always imagined that he was. How could he not?

Q. Why doesn't Claire tell Frank that he looks like BJR so she can't open her eyes while they're on the rug in front of the fire?
A. Great question. She can never tell Frank that. It would kill him to know that.

Goodnight all! I leave you with three bonus answers. - Toni G.


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