Writers Q&A - Ep 303 All Debts Paid

Hi everyone! Matt's here to answer your questions! Let the fun begin.

Q. Goose bumps thinking about what LJG might do w/sapphire Jamie gave him. Perhaps something for season 7?
A. Maybe this season ;)

Q. Is there a part of voyager you would have liked to include in the first three episodes that was cut?
A. Too many to list in 140 characters!

Q. 1st loved! Great episode. I assume you had to cut the part on the promo where we hear Jamie calling for Clare?
A. Don't assume anything ;-{)>

Q. I'm always impressed with @Outlander_STARZ but 303 is my new favorite ep. Brilliant writing
A. Thank you! We really appreciate it - it's always a difficult task to fit @Writer_DG story into the limited time we have

Q. Was the whole "Candy" thing Claire being petty or did she actually not remember her name? 😂
A. We think that Claire absolutely remembered her name

Q. Do you think Frank would've taken Claire back if she EVER changed her mind even in the end?
A. My opinion: when Frank asks Claire if she would have forgotten Jamie in time, he is 'hoping' the answer will be yes

Q. Did Brianna realize that was the mistress at the door? Did she always know of his affair?
A. We have ten fun-filled episodes ahead of us... we can't reveal everything ;-{)>

Q. Who invented a name for Frank's mistress?
A. ToniGraphia gets credit for that one!

Q. As writers (on Outlander of course 😀) do you predominantly work in teams/ groups/pairs or inividually? and why?😉in 142 characters
A. We individually write our scripts, but as a team we 'break' the stories - a very collaborative process

Q. Wouldn't JWG have been tutored in and spoken French, being a high-born & wealthy Englishman?
A. But how would he have understood the Gaelic? ;-{)>

Q. Hey Matt, episode 3 was 🔥👍🏻! What location was used for Ardsmuir?
A. Craigmillar Castle. We fell in love with it as soon as we saw it

Q. Are we going to see Murtagh again on this season or only in the next one? ☺️(Please say this season!!)
A. We see him next when... *squelch*... sorry going through a tunnel

Q. How much of the original script do we see on screen? What changes it most? "Circumstances "while filming or editing?
A. You can check out the script here and see which parts were kept in and/or omitted: outlandercommunity.com/insideoutlande

Q. What is the name of the castle used in the far away shot for Helwater?
A. It's Gosford House

Q. How it will be decided who of the writers is responsible for a special episode, pure coincidence, drawing or ...?
A. We feel all episodes are special :) some are chosen, some are assigned

Q. Claire's tear dropped on Frank's nose at close of ep written in script?Directors choice?Postprod?Happenstance?
A. Fantastic acting from @caitrionambalfe

Q. Jamie specifically says the name of the wine sauce to Murtagh... Something they’d remember from France? Jamie the foodie 💜
A. Yes, that was the idea ;-{)>

Q. Have the writers broken up DOA yet? If so how many episodes will you be writing?
A. Yes, the book has been broken down. #ToniGraphia and I will be teaming up on a couple of episodes for sure

Q. I love the effect of very little narration during the early part of this season. How was that decision made? Great work!
A. In S1 Claire had very few people to confide in. Now there are more characters for her to talk to so we need less voiceover

Q. Do you have a writing routine, like so many hours a day? Do ideas pop up while reading the books?
A. My routine is writing very early in the morning, on a laptop with a chai and my trusty chew-sticks, and sometimes with my dog

Q. Will any of season four be filmed in North Carolina?
A. No
Q. You've broken my heart😥😥😥
A. Sorry, we'll be there in spirit

Q. Please tell us you are writing the Jamie/Bree meeting Ep S4! #youcancallmeDa #itssimple
A. Maybe ;-{)>

Q. Hey some fans had an interesting question: would Bri have gone with Frank to London? I think so. You?
A. I actually think she would've gone with him. But then after being there, the bond & love for her mother would've pulled her home.

Q. If she would've gone with Frank and been a history major at Oxford,she could've been one of Roger Wakefield's students! Interesting thought?
A. Except Frank was going to Cambridge...
Q. but Frank mentioned that he still had pull at Oxford, so it was a possibility she would end up there...
A. yep... oops!!!
Q. But he mentions Oxford to Claire as a possibility for Bree.
A. Sorry folks... forgot that line (hard to remember them all worked on the script a year ago). he's going to Cambridge but has pull at Oxford

Q. Do you all read or listen to fans comments on SM? Ever make changes or add in something because of them?
A. Remember we are working on scripts for the next season long before we read any comments about the shows that are airing now.

Q. Are you all ready for the start of filming the first block of s4?
A. Verra Vera close...

Q. How did you keep Murtagh's reveal a secret?
A. We didn't tell anyone (and everyone signs a non-disclosure form) ;-{)>

Q. How do you decide what to drop? Do you cast votes?
A. A lot of passionate discussion in the Writers' Room

A few more 😃
Q. Burning question: that one cigarette. Is Claire a smoker or was that just stress smoking that one time?
A. Probably stress-smoking in that moment

Q. Did all the scenes from 303 script on Outlander Community actually get filmed? Will we see the deleted scenes eventually?
A. Yes they did... I'm not sure what will be included on the DVD's

Q. To bad we can't have 90 minute episodes.
A. That would add many more months of filming and prep. More time on screen means more of everything to produce it.

Q. i know everyone is anxious for the Print Shop, I love savoring every episode.....
A. There are some amazing eps coming up written by #ToniGraphia -- with some off the charts performances
DG. Ooo! Four is one of my big favorites! 😍🤗
Q. The episode you commented "broke your heart"?
A. That's the one. The final scene.

Q. Do you ever sleep?
A. Not much, when in full prep I have a foot in Block 1, a foot in Block 2, & a foot in the writers room I need another foot and more hours


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