Q&A med Caitriona Balfe och Sam Heughan

Sam Heughan: You ready for the tweetfest @caitrionambalfe ?? #fastFingers

Caitriona Balfe: Hey @SamHeughan why aren't you nicer to me #AskTheFrasers ???

Sam Heughan

Q. Whats your favorite episode from season 3 far ?
A. Ep 2 for me! Though didn't love the beard.... wonderful scenes with Jenny and Fergus

Q. Will we get to see Jamie having acupuncture treatment
A. Have to watch and find out....!

Q. Have you actually been hurt on set?
A. Ahem... don't ask @caitrionambalfe 👃

Q. Who spent more time in hair/make-up during S3?💁🏻‍♂️💁🏻💅🏼👄
A. Me!!! #dunbonnet!!! This Cait was jealous of the beard

Q. How it feels to be playing “old” jamie and claire now, like new different characters or as “riding a bycicle”?
A. Still same characters but with more weight and detail. So fun to live through their experiences and see them@chhange and their relationship

A. Double helping?

Q. How many times did you have to faint?
A. Maybe 15-20...?

Q. What’s for dinner?
A. Parmesan chicken and veggies post gym

Q. Favorite new character this season?
A. Season 3, seen so far.... Macdubh!! 😜

Q. What's the hardest part to record the reunion episode?
A. A lot of expectation on this scene, but so many important moments prior and after, important to give everything equal attention

Q. What was the most tricky scene to film in season 3, that we’ve seen so far?
A. Printshop fire. Different sets and live flame... got very hot!

Q. Are you going to be dressing up for halloween? if what as?
A. She's got a ginger wig ready...

Q. I've worked for 2 years in a Printshop. Did you have to learn something for the episode 6?
A. I did! I learnt to do all the printing process for the titles

Q. How is working with Rollo going?
A. Dog gets more treats than me... and has bigger biceps

Q. Favourite tv show right now other than #Outlander
A. Mindhunter

Q. Do u have any pre-shooting ritual?
A. Cooooooffee

My battery is going to die!!!!
I'll do another QA soon as I'm home!!!! Sorry!!!!

Okay! I'm back!! Sorry, phone died in car in way to gym.
I'll answer next 20 questions!x

Q. If u were an animal, what animal would it be
A. Always though Jamie was rather horse-like.... 🐴

Q. When are we going to see the big fight between Claire and Jamie?
A. There's a fight....?? 😬

Q. Is it easier as an actor having as much detail as Diana gives in her books when you're playing the role? Or would you rather use your own?
A. It's a combination. I use Diana's books as a guide. But also have to bring myself. Another actor would play him differently.

Q. How's your hair today?
A. Wet. Yours?

Q. What's the first movie you remember watching at the cinema?
A. One of the Disney films... Black Cauldron I think. First non cartoon, Turner and Hooch

Q. If the season is 10 months long to film aren't you afraid of burn out?
A. 4 years... it's been a marathon!

Q. How is @CesarDomboy on set? How is it working with this frenchy?😌
A. Mon dieu!!!

Q. Having just returned from another journey around the magical Isle of Skye I was wondering why you guys never film there.
A. Would love to!

Q. Share with us something from behind the scenes from the episode 3x06?
A. I will tonight!

Q. Are you ever tempted to use Outlander phrases off screen? 😏 We often use them as pillow talk! 😜
A. Do tell!!!

Q. Do you like Imagine Dragons?
A. I do. Right now loving Arcade Fire

Q. Which of the these faces of Jamie do you wish you could have have more scenes?
A. There were a few Dunbonnet scenes cut, would love to see on DVD

Q. Where would you go in your “Dream Hike”?
A. Going with my friend @CameronMcNeish soon, can't wait!

Q. What’s your favorite beer?
A. So many... love Schiehallion!!

Q. Will you design more collections with Barbour? Loved the first!
A. More to come!! @Barbour

Q. The single most awaited moment in history

A. Might be my favourite too!

Q. Do you like game of thrones?
A. Love it!! I still have last ep to watch!!

Q. Did you find some time to read the scrapbook we brought you from the Italian peakers at the gala Sam?did you like our stories?
A. It's so wonderful!!!! GRAZIE!!xx

Q. Do you still feel the impulse or need to consult with Diana after all this time about Jamie's state of mind?
A. Oh yes. Gabs is my guide

Q. How cool was it really to print those pages? had a little bit envy because I wish I cold try to do typography 🇧🇷
A. I love it! I actually have the first two pieces I ever printed... might give one away!

Q. How many hours of sleep do you usually get a night?
A. Not enough... 😴

Q. have you heard @RealEdSpeleers accent for Stephen Bonnet? because irish accents are difficult
A. He's wonderful!! You'll love him. Maybe too much...

Thank you all #AsktheFrasers
Sorry i had technology issues!
Here's a pic with my favourite macaron. And some wee guy

Caitriona Balfe

Q. Favorite season to film so far?
A. Season 1 will always have a special place in my heart cause it was the beginning of it all. But Season 3 is pretty awesome !!!

Q. Do you have something in common with your character?
A. I'm a rambler like Claire. Lived all over

Q. How are you getting along with Rollo?
A. He's adorable. !!

Q. Besides their unwavering love for each other, what is the strongest component of Jaime and Claire’s relationship ?
A. They always push each other to be the best of themselves

Q. How do you attack the books to gain character insight/plotline details/etc? What is process?
A. Attack??? Books are for reading! Call yourself a librarian .. Tsk !

Q. If you could be invisible on set for 1 day, what shenanigans would you get up to?
A. Ooh I would have so much fun annoying @SamHeughan and listening to what goes on in video village !!!

Q. Any plans for you to join the Podcast in the near future? Share your take on the production?
A. We haven't been asked I think...

Q. How far have you come into season 4 filming so far
A. 2 1/2 weeks !

Q. What is your favorite scar of Jamie's?
A. The one that no one else sees !!! Ahem.

Q. Would @caitrionambalfe make a good NURSE in real life??
A. @SamHeughan Ummmmmm YES is the answer. I'm an excellent bandager !

Q. Theme song for each other?
A. Cause I'm a blonde - from Earth Girls are easy!!!! For @SamHeughan

Q. What should I do in Scotland ?
A. Walk ... and keep walking and the drink and then keep drinking. Walking and drinking ... that's it

Q. When Jamie is talking of Bree and them living on through her, what is Claire feeling here? She has a pained look 😔
A. Thinking of Bree's life without her causes Claire pain... She's paid a huge price for returning to Jamie.

Q. As several women, Claire also feel insecure with her body,what advice would you give them?
A. We all know it but forget what's inside is the most important thing. And if we focus on being healthy then we can be happy.

Q. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?
A. Myself on holiday????

Q. Can you @caitrionambalfe describe @SamHeughan in three words?
A. B. A. F.

Q. Are you two sitting next to each other? Because that seems like it would be cheating

A. Yes. No. Huh? What?
Q. What it's like to play such a complex character in a different era? How do you prepare to your role?

A. It's a dream. I love the constant new challenges and the depth with which we get to explore these characters

Q. What have you two learned from each other in the three years you have worked together?
A. To be more open minded on set. Sometimes someone can be a little stubborn ( not like Claire AT ALL)

Q. Which is the best feature in Claire and Jaime, in your opinions?
A. Her empathy and compassion and his integrity

Q. Who or what would you like to be in a previous life ?
A. Isadora Duncan

Q. Who do you look up to as a role model?
A. I have the most amazing friends and family. So they all inspire me

Q. Where has been your favorite place to film for season 3?
A. Rustenberg in South Africa

Q. Do you ever find yourself slipping into character when not filming?
A. No ... that would be weird !! And where would @SamHeughan get a sword???

Q. Have you stolen anything from set this season???
A. Only been 2 weeks. Give a girl a minute

Q. Who's the funniest on set?
A. Obvs me ... 🙀 Sam pretty much makes me crack up ALL the time. But that shouldn’t be take as a sign of his comedy skills!! 😜

Q. What's your fave place on Earth?
A. Nepal ... no, Costa Rica ... No, Italy ... No, South of France No, Ireland ... Scotland. Big Sure Aghhhh too many places

Q. How important was to you to include Faith?
A. No parents would forget.

Q. What are you going to dress up as for halloween ? 🎃
A. Dusty Roads ... @SamHeughan ???

Q. Who has memorized their lines better this season
A. Umm... Sam ???? Care to answer that ?? In fairness I've had one or two lines in the most recent scenes. So that would be me!

Q. If you could play any other role in Outlander, who would it be? :) x
A. Rollo !!!

Q. In the #PrintShop episode, what is your favourite moment?
A. When she first sees him. !!!

Q. How does it feels to watch yourself on tv?
A. Not recommended...

Q. What does Claire like the most about Jamie ;) ?
A. His integrity and emotional intelligence

Okay guys!!!! Thank you for your questions. That flew by... I'll still do a Q&A for the T-shirts soon. #AskTheFrasers


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