Q&A med Maril Davis

Maril Davis svarar på frågor inför avsnitt 6 - A. Malcolm aka Printshop Everyone ready???? Let’s go!
Q. How many hours did you need to film the #PrintShop scene? 🙈
A. There’s more than one scene but initial scenes took a few days

Q. If all goes well between all parts, would Sam and Cait play Jamie and Claire all through the last book?
A. I would assume they’d want to, but that’s not totally up to us?

Q. What is your favorite episode or moment? #ThanxforOutlander
A. Too hard to pick from all episodes. I have a lot of fav little moments.

Q. What has been your favorite shooting location in season 3?
A. That’s a tough one. Loved the Boston apt (bravo @jongarysteele ) and loved a couple locations in ep. 313 from SA

Q. What's your favorite line from the first 5 episodes of season 3?
A. I’ve already answered this one but it was Claire’s line from 303 “That amount of time doesn’t exist” heartbreaking

Q. How many times did @SamHeughan fall to the floor in a faint before it became the perfect shot?
A. Honestly, I did worry how this would play but I’ll admit @SamHeughan nailed it from the get go.

Q. What is the worst job you have ever had?😃
A. I’ve been lucky. Haven’t had any job I hated &actually my first job in the industry (as a PA on Star Trek) is still one of my favs

Q. will we see more of Roger and Bree this season?
A. Yep 👍🏻
A. Sorry everyone! Misread the question. I was talking about S4!

Q. Anything from the books you wish had made it to the screen but didn't?
A. I’m still very bummed that we couldn’t get the initials carving in there

Q. What’s your favorite line from next episode?
A. Lol. Can’t tell you!

Q. Between Rollo and Bouton, which one deserves the most head pats?
A. Arrrggghhhh. Impossible choice!!! ALL dogs deserve head pats!

Q. Who do you miss most from Season 3 filming?
A. We miss everyone who leaves us. Obviously @TobiasMenzies was a loss. Who will @caitrionambalfe & I beat in tennis now?

Q. When you were casting the show back in season 1, did you prepare for it to be actors who would have a 20 years range?
A. We certainly thought about it but in the first season you have no idea if you will get additional seasons

Q. For you what is the better part of producer Outlander?
A. Of course it’s a blast talking about Outlander all day long!

Q. Where would you want to go to get away from it all if you could?
A. Hawaii! ❤️❤️

Q. Do you have special traditions for celebrating birthdays of crew members on a set?
A. Sadly no aside from cake?As is, With so many crew members, there’s a lot of cake!

Q. What's your favorite music moment on the show?
A. I really enjoyed the end of ep. 304. Shout out to #ToniGraphia for picking that song/moment

Q. How do you feel seeing the outlander fandom growing more and more?
A. It’s amazing. The fans are one of the best parts about this show

Q. How has the success of Outlander changed or impacted your life?
A. It hasn’t changed that much except I travel a lot more! :)

Q. Will you stay in scotland for the season 4 or will you film in another country ?
A. We are staying in Scotland for the bulk of S4

Q. Do you ever catch yourself speaking with a Scottish accent? Any good?
A. Lol, no. Although I do slip in some words like “verra”

Q. Will we hear anything about #Outlander Season 5 anytime soon?!
A. I hope so!

Q. Will any filming be done in the U. S. for Season 4?
A. Sadly, no

Q. How many months will season 4 shoot? 10-11months?
A. 13 eps takes about 9-10 months of filming.

Q. What Caitriona and Claire not have in common?
A. Curly hair

Q. How many hours a day and how many days does it take to film a season?
A. We shoot ten hour days (plus an hour for lunch) couldn’t tell you the number of days (In bad at math) but we Film for 9-10 months

Q. If youre shooting S4 In Scotland, how will you make it look like the USA? the UK weather is perpetually grey! Noticed that
A. We won’t be able to capture the North Carolina weather. Just not possible.

Q. Have all the scripts been written for S4?
A. No. We’re about half way through

Q. S3 in casting was brilliant. I loved seeing Jamie be a dad. Were there any parts harder to cast than others?
A. All of the key parts are hard to cast. We all have a vision in our mind of what these characters look like

Q. When and why did you decide to let Murtagh survive Culloden? Had the wish of the fans any influence on the decision?
A. We obviously love the character and actor and felt his journey wasn’t over.

Q. Do you work the week end ?
A. Yes. Usually catching up on work like reading scripts, casting or watching dailies

Q. How long does it take to film 1 episode?
A. We shoot 12 Days per episode. And often we have a couple days of 2nd unit filming

Q. Do you prefer shooting on a set or on location?
A. Personally i prefer being on set. Much warmer!! And I can run up to my office between scenes

Q. Best thing about working with @caitrionambalfe & @SamHeughan?
A. Their sparkling wit and gleaming white teeth?

Q. I know this may be a spoiler, but why does Fergus have a wooden hand and not a hook as well?
A. The research we did said he would have had a wooden hand and not a hook. Plus, it’s hard to hide a hand in a hook prosthetic!
A. Sorry. I meant to say “could” have had a wooden hand instead of a hook

Q. Would you say Claire & Jamie are still the focus of the story in season 4?
A. Claire and Jamie are always the focus. It’s their story

Q. Have you finished an episode for season 4?
A. No. We are still filming our first block

Q. Did you have two full crews shooting at the same time for S3 doing the separate stories for Claire & Jaime?
A. No. Although sometimes we have a 2nd unit running

Q. What does a 2nd filming unit do? I’ve heard the term but idk what that means
A. It’s a smaller filming unit that grabs pieces (or scenes) that we weren’t able to get during the main shooting days

Q. Would you ever think of using @SamHeughan doing double duty to play older Jamie and older Willie?
A. Honestly? No.
Q. Why not?
A. A) I think it could look comical B) It would be very time consuming to shoot C) there are a lot of young actors who need work! :)

Q. What’s your favourite thing about Scotland? I'm sure you get asked this all the time 😊
A. The people make Scotland. Love, love, love our crew

Q. Will you be doing the podcast for #306? If not who will?
A. @TheMattBRoberts and #ToniGraphia will be doing the 306 podcast. Maybe they’ll@let me join! 😜

Q. Any chance of mentioning any other new casting for season 4? Inquiring minds just want to know 😊
A. Not yet!

Q. Will season 4 also consist of 13 episodes?
A. Yes

Thank you for all the amazing questions!!! Sorry I couldn’t answer them all 😘 see you on Sunday!! #PrintShop


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