Writers Q&A EP 306 A. Malcolm

Toni Graphia and Maril Davis answering questions.

Q. Did either Cait or Sam get hurt when Jamie and Claire bumped heads?😳
A. No, We're happy to say no actors were hurt in the filming of this scene...

Q. What is Brianna holding in the final picture Claire shows Jamie?
A. She's holding up a string of fish

Q. Any lines/moments that were cut for time in Ep 6 that you wished were included?
A. There was a moment where Claire talks about her time as a surgeon that was cut, but hopefully will be included in DVD extras

Q. The two cohorts from Ardsmuir were great! Do we find out their story? When did they come back from the colonies?
A. Don't worry. We'll see them again!

Q. After bonking heads Jaime kissing Claire’s nose brought me to tears, was that scripted or off the cuff?
A. It was scripted :)

Q. Why didn’t Jamie fall apart when seeing pics of Bree? It was in the script.
A. It's our intention that all action lines are filmed. we're disappointed this one wasn't. Will talk more about it on podcast.
A - Sam Heughan. I use action lines as guide only "Falling apart" doesnt have to mean tears, can be internal. Was my creative choice. Plus felt melodramatic
J hasn't met Bree. Has had relationship with Willie. Plus wonder at situation, new tech, never seen B etc.Way was written felt stalled scene
A. Just to be clear, disappointed we didn't meet fan expectations. NOT disappointed in powerful, emotional performance of @SamHeughan #Podcast
A - Sam Heughan.
And to be clear, process is organic and collaborative. Sometimes details are lost in exchange for others. Drama.x #adaptation
A - Diana G.
Def not! As for fans, if we're lucky enough to have more than one, it's impossible to please them all. And we _are_ lucky in our fans! 😚

Q. “Will you risk the man I am...” beautifully reflects Jamie’s fears about his secrets. Why was it omitted?
A. Patience young jedi....

Q. What's your favorite scene from the episode and why?
A. We really loved the scenes of J&C in the bedroom, engaged in pillow talk.Not many shows have the ability to spend time on this

Q. I love that Claire calls Mr Willoughby by his real name and not ‘the little Chinese’ as in the book. I hope it stays that way
A. Yes, it will. Claire has a great respect for Yi Tien Chow /Mr. Willoughby

Q. I ❤️ Jamie’s supportive reaction to Claire becoming a doctor. Would Jamie still have been a feminist if he’d never met Claire?
A. We think Jamie is a forward thinking man, but certainly meeting Claire has certainly influenced him

Q. I'm curious - who is holding the picture of Bree in the close up? We theorize it's Ron, but it's clearly not Sam!
A. We use photo doubles in any insert shots like this (insert shots are close ups shot done by a 2nd unit team after the fact)

Q. Such a minor detail, but Jamie handed Claire back the pics of Bree. Will he be holding on to those later?
A. Yes, the pictures are precious to him..

Q. Are these real photos of @SkeltonSophie taken with period-correct cameras?
A. Those are real photos of Sophie, which were then aged by our talented art dept

Q. Did anyone have a problem with the grapes Jamie fed Claire as being too big? I thought she was gonna choke!
A. They were period correct grapes.... ;)

Q. Why did Jamie ask Claire if she left Frank?
A. He wants to know if she's back to stay. He's hoping she is

Q. Was the Geordie & smugglers' banter all from the fertile mind of @TheMattBRoberts?
A. Yes, Matt did a great job with Geordie and the goiter...

Q. Did you all get as emotional as I did when Sam and Cait filmed the 1st kiss scene. 💗💗💗
A. Yes, we've all been waiting for this moment as well!

Q. Did anyone fall off the bed while filming those scenes? It was so small?
A. No, but the room we filmed in was VERY small &we had a lot of crew in there.IT looked intimate but was actually very crowded!

Q. Do you have a list of "must have" lines that you think need to be in the show (like more than a few fans..lol)
A. We always have must have lines We ALL have favorites. But we don't always get what we want!

Q. Are all the writers on LA? Is the writer of any given episode on set/on location while filming?
A. Writers are based in LA. But we always send a writer/producer to cover each block

Q. Sorry, have to ask. Why the early Willie reveal? What happens in Jamaica then?
A. There was a spirited debate about this one. We will discuss more on podcast

Q. Which episode has had the most "spirited" discussions about changes from the book?
A. Every.....single.....one

Q. How come a better picture wasn’t used to show Bree as a baby?
A. she was a shy baby...

Thanks for all the great questions. Sorry for the internet issues! Until next week!

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