
Visar inlägg från november, 2017

Q&A med Matt B Roberts

Q&A med Matt B Roberts Q&A... go Q. How many episodes are you writing for season 4? A. at least two... Q. What is your favourite scene from all the eps we have seen so far? A. I don't play favorites Q. Always wondered how @TallShipProds got you to read Outlander? A. Um, I gave @TallShipProds the books Q. When will you be back in Scotland scouting S5 locations?😜 A. What do you mean back? Here now. And we don't have a season 5 as far as I know Q. Did you have to slow down filming due to heatwave? A. Heatwave? This is Outlander 🤔 Q. Who come to set more prepared @SamHeughan or @caitrionambalfe 🤔🤔 A. they both do... they are pros Q. Will there be any surprises in final OLS3?🤓 A. I hope so Q. How are you feeling about S3 reception by fans and does that influence you at all with respect to S4? What're the top 5 things you've learned on this project? A. Feeling good, ratings have never been higher, audience responses mostly positive.

Writers Q&A EP 311 Uncharted

Writers Q&A EP 311 Uncharted Get your questions ready. Coco will be answering soon! Just kidding -- Toni Graphia, Karen Campbell and Shannon Goss will be tweeting tonight. Don't forget to use #OutlanderALN 😀 Q. There was a lot more comedic moments in this episode then usual, was this the intention when writing the script or are the actors responsible for this? A. It was our intention to find moments of levity throughout the story. It's nice to have some humor to balance out the heavier/more dramatic moments. Q. Why does father Fogden keep the jar of beetles? It seemed to me that the father was making some kind of sacrifice ritual, using those beetles from the Abandawe sacred cave to devour Arabella. I also couldn't understand what those beetles represent for the father. A. Father Fogden gives the beetle treatment to all of his beloved goats who perish. The goat skulls above Claire's head where she bathed are where we saw the skulls of Fogden's goats

Q&A med Diana Gabaldon

Q&A med Diana Gabaldon Alrighty, then....! Welcome to the next small chapter in the wild and wonderful World of #Outlander! I'll answer all the questions I can in the next hour—and may be able to pick up a few more later, as I dash in & out today. Who's first? — Diana Q. You've talked about your "jigsaw" approach to writing; does a final picture emerge complete or do you move bits around? A. Jigsaw is maybe misleading, as it implies I have all the pieces before I begin fitting them. The book comes together (slowly) in bits, pieces and chunks—but yes, I move things around. Q. How do you feel about the differences between the book and series 3? A. I love the show and I think they've done a spectacular job in adapting an IMMENSE (and immensely complex) story within the limits of a 13-hour season. Naturally I don't agree with every choice—but I usually see why they made those choices. Q. When did you realize the tv show was a hit? At casting,

Q&A med Sam Heughan

Q&A med Sam Heughan celebrating 400k Followers on Twitter. #asksam #thankYouFourHundredK Here we go... Q. What movie or cartoon character frightened you as a kid? A. Good question! Labyrinth, Dark Crystal and... Jaws! #askSam Q. What's your best memory on set of outlander ? A. So many.. 4 years now. Feel so lucky. Probably with the Highlanders. Or Cait on a mountain top.. ask me when we finish! Q. Were the needles in your face real or CGI? A. Very good prosthetics Q. Did I read somewhere that you were educated with the Steiner method as a child? I love and respect that philosophy so much! A. Yes I was. Very lucky. Q. Has Rollo reached full size yet? Can you tell the two dog actors who play him apart? A. Probably not full size. Yet. But huge. And gorgeous. Actually only one works. Other is the entourage Q. Do you and Cait use stunt doubles? A. We have doubles for various reasons. They are all amazing. But generally try to do it all. Until production says no....

Writers Q&A EP 310 Heaven & Earth

Writers Q&A EP 310 Heaven & Earth On board for #outlanderaln!   ⚓️⛴️ Toni Graphia answering questions. Q. Are the scripts written in sequence? If not, why? A. Most of the time they are!  But occasionally, scheduling issues necessitate them being written and/or filmed out of sequence.  This season Ep 301/303 were filmed first, then Ep 302/308. Q. How Did Thompkins know Jamie was on the Artemis if he never boarded it? A. We posited that he was on board the boat which rowed Captain Leonard over to the Artemis, and he spotted Jamie on deck and recognized him. Q. And you all are sure you can wrap up Voyager in the 3 remaining episodes?😘 A. Well, we have!  Yes, there was a lot of material to wrangle, but we did our best and hope everyone enjoys it! Q. The writing & directing has been spectacular this season! Regarding the newbies, do they approach you, or do u go out and find them? A. Material is submitted by agents and we read literally hundreds of scripts and

Avsnitt 310 - Heaven & Earth

På måndag kommer nästa avsnitt 310 - Heaven & Earth vid 9-tiden på Viaplay. Claire rusar iväg för att hitta källan till en epidemi ombord på ett sjukdomsdrabbat skepp innan hundratals sjömän dör. Och medan Jamie stångas med Kapten Raines, finner sig Fergus sliten mellan lojalitet och kärlek. Fotogalleri

Leaving Scotland - The Voyage

Now that Jamie and Claire are reunited, see what they face as Outlander Season 3 continues. Claire and Jamie's journey is far from over. Hear what went into their epic voyage by sea from cast and crew.

Trailer för avsnitt 10 - Heaven & Earth

Avsnitt 10 - "Heaven & Earth" kommer på Viaplay den 20 november. Claire rusar iväg för att hitta källan till en epedemi ombord på ett sjukdomsdrabbat skepp innan hundratals sjömän dör. Och medan Jamie stångas med Kapten Raines, finner sig Fergus sliten mellan lojalitet och kärlek.

Writers Q&A EP 309 The Doldrums

The wind has died down, and we're in the Doldrums -- Shannon Goss & Toni Graphia here. Ready to answer your questions! 🌬️ Q. Is there a reason Jamie and Claire are going by 'Fraser' and not 'Malcolm' on the voyage? I thought Fraser wasn't safe for them right now... A. Jamie Fraser has been pardoned for his crimes. The people who are after him know him as Alexander Malcolm, the name he went by in Edinburgh. Q. Why are there only 10 episodes this season ? It feels rushed and seems disconnected from the characters and energy the book delivers. Is there a reason for a shorter season A. Great news... there are actually thirteen episodes!💃🏽 But no matter how you slice it, there are elements of the book we don't have room to cover. Q. And yet again the editor screwed the pooch! Whats up wit that? Do ya'll realize u would NEVER hear 1 complaint if this dialogue had actually bn in the Epi? COME ON PEOPLE! Throw us a BONE! MORE Jamie & Clair

Avsnitt 309 - The Doldrums

På måndag kommer nästa avsnitt 309 - The Doldrums vid 9-tiden på Viaplay. Claire och Jamie lämnar Skottland, och seglar till Västindien på ett brådskade uppdrag. Men när den vidskepliga besättningen börjar leta efter någon att skylla på efter att ha förföljts av otur, kommer räddningen från otippat håll. Fotogalleri

Writers Q&A EP 308 First wife

Live from Ned Gowan's office! We're here to answer your questions about the last Episode! Q. Any regrets changing Wee Ian's thrashing? Seems show is shying away bc of 21c judgment. Good lesson for Jamie missed. A. We wanted to show Claire's influence on Jamie. And also we've seen a lot of flogging! ;) Q. Do all the writers have input into scripts apart from the main script writer? A. We break the stories together as a staff. It's a collaborative process. Q. There’s a Portuguese flag on the ship that took Young Ian. Was it done on purpose? Or just a coincidence? A. Nothing is a coincidence. 😉 Q. Does C find some satisfaction in jabbing the syringe needle in J’s arse? A. We're sure that she did! 💉 Q. Was the food for Hogmany real? If so, did cast & crew get to enjoy it after filming? Super episode, each one better than last💗 A. Yes, all food on set is real. Most of it wouldn't be tasty after hours under hot lights! Q. At the e

Q&A med Ron D Moore

Ron D Moore answering fan questions on Twitter. Hello and welcome to tonight's Outlander Q&A. You may begin... Q. You’ve brought the goods OutlanderS3. Will you & team bring tall ships into our homes as if we r on high seas w you? A. Thank you! We worked very hard on the tall ships for the rest of the season and only locked the finale last week. I think you'll like them Q. Really really really dying to know why Claire and Jamie didn’t hug/cry/have an ecstatic reunion in the print shop? A. It seemed pretty ecstatic to us. We let the actors play the scene as naturalistically as possible and I think they conveyed the emotions Q. I've felt Season 3 has a great rhythm continuity to you guys feel that? A. I think that internally we all feel like this is a great season and possibly our strongest to date, so thank you. Q. Was the last shot on 308 a drone shot or helicopter? Was the tall ship real or CGI? A. It was a drone shot. The ship was CGI as was a fair amo

Trailer för avsnitt 9 - The Doldrums

Trailer för avsnitt 9 - The Doldrums Claire och Jamie seglar till Västindien på ett brådskande uppdrag, men den vidskepliga besättningen letar efter någon som de kan skylla på efter att ha förföljts av otur.